0.k. h3r3'z d@ l@t35t tr@ck by ju!ce done on f3bru@ry 'da 14th 1995 @nn0 d0m!n! dis module is freely d!str!but@ble, but ya may n0t use !t !n y0ur pr0duct!0nz w!th0ut a wr!tten perm!ss!0n from my- self. t0 get one send e-m@!l 2 this address turkovic@olimp.irb.hr 0r y0u c@n try f!do, but !'m n0t $ur3 !t w!ll reach me: nikola fox@2:381/109 @ls0 c0ntact me if y0u wanna sw@p mods, s@mples 0r ju$t ch@t. greeting$ g0 t0 the f0ll0w!ng: a!r0n jay- der, dj ps!ber, pr0- d!gy/tbs, beav!s and l@$t, but n0t l3@$t: m0rb!d .... i h@te empty s@mple- n@me$ ... i h@ve t0 f!ll them @ll, but ! dunno wh@t t0 wr!te.. phew! d@ l@$t 0ne 8^)